Water Show
Opciones de entradas
- Entrada completa
- Ingresso Reduzido
*Valores por pessoa.
- R$80,00
- R$40,00
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Located in Wonder Park, the Water Show is a performance that mixes lights, music and water in perfect synchrony. The structure has water jets that dance according to the scene and/or music. The Water Show is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that projects 3D images onto the curtain of water. Providing a unique and exclusive experience.
- Funcionamento: De terça a domingo, das 20h00 às 20h30. * Puede cambiar en fechas especiales.
- Descuentos: Niños (5 a 11 años), adultos mayores (60 años o más), docentes, estudiantes y donantes de sangre regulares, pagan el 50%.
- Puede retrasarse o cancelarse debido a problemas técnicos y meteorológicos.
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